Monday, April 12, 2010

Billy's 19th Birthday 110410

Sorry kensettians!! I actually wanted to post this blog on 10th april midnight geh.. but it just happen that my internet down cant be able to upload photos..Representing you the following post which i had prepared 1 month ago..

Look!! Who's birthday is today??

Wohoo..!! It's our BILLY ZAI, yang muka tebal, asyik panggil dirinya STRONGEST BILLY tapi sebenarnya kurus gila.. Lols..HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ITS YOUR 19TH BIRTHDAY!!

Cant remember when you joined our class..isit lower6 or upper6?? Our 1st class together was PA with Pn Jamilah, learning to draw GRAF GABUNGAN. Haha..i know now in your heart sure membebel ady..

“四靓妹啊, gam 好记忆又不见你去记好点作 dy/dx 或则integration?!!”

Followed up with next class..MRS RAMANI's muet class. Then you start to show your M16 shooting gun, talk as if you are rapping, or you plan to beat bullet train's speed isit?

Time goes on..our 8 gua BILLY followed us to Cameron Highlands.. lols.. I would say it was a bond strengthening trip for kensettians and not as what we told our parents.. “WE ORGANISE THE TRIP FOR BIOLOGY PROJECT GEH..” lols..

Everyone went closer after the trip. Including us!! Haha..then your night mares started!!


  • everyday I go to your place to flick your ears..

  • annoys you and made you teach me maths..

  • made you listen to my cold and yellowish jokes (from hon hon de ar!!)

  • complained you because of your long+lost elasticity+black+holes all around+disgusting+funny socks..(seriously from my sitting place, my angle, everytime when you shake your leg, your long socks seems like waving to me lar!!! really make me 哭笑不得, distract my attention in class lar!! makes me get so dulan with it!!)

  • show off my every single second of sweet moments with nini..

  • and also showed you my ugly face when I cried in front of you..

The moments that we spent together was really FUN!! Lets refresh back some of our stupid ki siao dialogue..

When you showed me solutions for maths question twice and yet I cant understand you..

Billy : 四八婆,我再教多你一次,你再不明白就去跳楼算了!

After ms yap's class over and I cant understand..

Billy : 死开一边啦, 谁叫你上课时不停课,一直在那边想着nini nini..休想我教你,我不用 做功课啊!!

When I told you yellowish jokes..

Billy : 死淫贱婆啊,小心nini 不要你呃..

When I play with you while you are busy doing homework..

Billy : 昨天给你的maths question功课有做没有?没做的话就不要过来!

When you successfully write down solutions for maths question..

Billy : 噢,你看,我真是天才!很难咩? 很难咩?

During our ki siao moments..

Billy : 靓妹,你叫都没用,乖乖听话了,本大人zong会给你一条生路行....*evil laugh*

Janice: 噢不好呃,大人...放过我了..人地都喺黄花闺女来嘅..

After one and half year lol together, went trhrough pressures..

Finally..we graduate lu..

Kensettians friendship rocks!!

Omg..billy ar!! Your horrible socks attract this couple to stop and stare!!

Miss kensettians so badly!!

Well billy.. i know i never treat you right for the past one and half year.. ok la.. since today is your birthday, i prepared the following SPECIALLY FOR YOU!!

Fua!! Happy mou?

Lols..i dont mind if you 以身相许 like the following pic geh!!

Wow!! Billy hou sok ah!!

Finally.. happy birthday billy zai!! Big boy liao la!! Dont always take picture with only your "ma yin tong" on la..


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Save the Dead blog!!!!

Whoever seeing this post please please please leave ur footstep kat chatbox.

<<((BIG TIMES))>>